Saturday, April 30, 2011

Nicole and Owen

Nicole is one of my coworkers at Chili's and this past August she gave birth to an adorable baby boy Owen. I knew she hadn't got any professional photos taken of the two of them so I offered to do a shoot of the two of them. We both have crazy busy schedules, but we finally were able to figure out a time and I got to photograph her and her son.

Nicole has beautiful big eyes and Owen definitely inherited those same eyes and one thing is for sure babies with big eyes are ADORABLE!

Owen had the tendency to lean forward when we had him sit by himself so Nicole grabbed his overalls to help him out a little.

Then we pulled out the chair by brother had when he was a little boy and Owen did a great job sitting by himself!!! This picture below is one of my favorites for sure!
Then Owen got curious and was trying to get out of the chair to get in the dirt. Such a little boy.

He did so great for most of the shoot, but when he started getting fussy all it took was his pacifier to make him happy again.

Nicole really loves her baby boy. She is such a good mom.

Again being a boy the grass caught his eye and he tried eating it.

These next two pictures make me laugh. Nicole called it his fishy pose. He was laying on his stomach and lifted his arms and legs like he was in the water. Haha so cute.

This one makes me laugh cause Nicole was checking Owen's diaper and he was just smiling away.

I had so much fun photographing Nicole and Owen! I am so happy we finally were able to get together and do this shoot.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hannah Pole Vaulting

Action shots are probably my favorite photos to take. I'm not sure what it is I like about it so much, but being able to capture something at the exact perfect time is awesome I LOVE it! Thankfully I have a little sister who is always on the run and is a great subject for my action photos. I have gone to so many of her softball game, soccer games, and track meets just so I can get some good pictures (and cheer her on of course). The latest event was her track meet where she was pole vaulting. Pole vaulting, what?! Who actually does that? I definitely have to admit when she first came to my parents interested in vaulting I thought she was crazy, why would someone volunteer to do that? But it is actually a really neat sport, extremely cool to watch and she is, not surprisingly, very good at it. Here are a few pictures from her last meet of the season.


I think she cleared this one. Haha.
I am so proud of Hannah. She met her personal record of 8 feet! That is just insane to think she can propel herself into the air 8 FEET! Amazing.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Terrisa's Maternity Photos

This is a photo shoot I did with my brother Brian and sister-in-law Terrisa when Terrisa was still pregnant with my niece Paisley! Terrisa was such a beautiful pregnant woman so we of course had to do a photo shoot to show her and her belly off.

Although Terrisa had the belly we couldn't leave to out the soon-to-be new dad.

These little converse are my favorite! Who doesn't love tiny little baby shoes?

A couple of weeks later we decided we needed to get a few more pictures of the new parents together. It ended up being just in the nick of time. Paisley Jean came just a few days later!

These are some of my favorite pictures. Arizona has such beautiful sunsets, I love it!

Can you tell there is a 9 lbs. 13 oz. baby in that belly?
Thank you guys for letting me do your maternity photos, I had so much fun doing them!